Robin Winckel-Mellish

Robin Winckel-Mellish

Etchings in dust 

Etchings in Dust explores what we feel using the great treasure of memory. “Lodged in our skins in the folds of our brains and in the cells of our hearts we offer our own uniquely human perspective.” Kate Foley. A reading of new poems explores the nature of relationship, illness and grief. 

My new poems have become an instrument for embodied experience: a longing for the touch, smell and feel of that which shows a real picture of life and the need for a simpler more natural attitude to sorrow and dying. Even though I have lived in the Netherlands for many years the colours of Africa are still vivid and important to what I write. In fact the nature of Africa can be used as a living metaphor for all human experience. 

I write what is most true to my experience, uncovering desires and filtered through the spectacles of my own personal story. “Poetry can repair no loss but it defies the space which separates by its continual labour of reassembling what has been scattered.” John Berger.