Tuesday 8 December 2015

Werfhonde 5 by Suenel Bruwer-Holloway

Werfhonde 5

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway

Surname uncertain, we tried out some:

Cronjé (as in Generaal Piet)

Retief (brave but too trusting)

O’Toole and Sellers (both famous and funny).

But he answers only to name number one:

“He is called Pietie,” they told us.

“He climbs walls.”

This SPCA lion, golden and brindled,

unjustly into smallness was swindled.

So Pietie scales fences; his heart will be free…

And magnanimously returns when we call “Pietie!”

From: McGregor Poetry Festival 2014 Anthology

First published in 2015 by African Sun Press
in association with The McGregor Poetry Festival Committee
ISBN 978-0-620-64600-0

The Poet:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway lives in McGregor. Her plays have been performed at the Grahamstown Festival, in Britain and America. Her satire Cry Sis! Identity was published by Junkets in the Short, Sharp and Snappy Series. She raises children, cooks vast meals, walks dogs, teaches, does laundry, writes and gardens every day.

Previously published:

Suenel Bruwer-Holloway: Neighbours from The Ground’s Ear published by Quickfox, Cape Town, 2011. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-920-52619-1. Softcover ISBN 978-0-620-51665-5.

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